*Internal error: %s.%s needs implementation=%s is not a valid owner for %s. Owner must be derived from %s%s.ClipboardFormat is read-onlyfA required system function (URLMON.CopyStgMedium) was not available on this system. Operation aborted.AThe %s class can not be instantiated with the default constructorCThe %s data format has not been registered by any of the used unitsFolder PIDL must be added first"Failed to get interface to DesktopInvalid filename: %s9Can't clear data while async data transfer is in progressĀµIt is strongly recommended that you set the AutoRegister
property to False when the drop target is a rich edit control.
Otherwise the text of the rich edit control might become
invisible when the control is scrolled or modifified&Cannot change the size of a JPEG imageJPEG error #%dJPEG Image FileCannot assign a %s to a %sCannot create file %s